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Josef Rudinger Memorial Award

Sponsored by PolyPeptide Group 

The Josef Rudinger Memorial Lecture Award is presented “in commemoration of Josef Rudinger’s role in the foundation of the European Peptide Symposia and of diverse contributions he made to peptide chemistry”.

Awardee: David Andreu, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain and Fernando Albericio, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and University of Barcelona, Spain.

Leonidas Zervas Award

The Leonidas Zervas Award is presented in commemoration of his outstanding contributions to peptide science. The award is given to the scientist who has made the most outstanding contributions to the chemistry, biochemistry and/or biology of peptides in the five years preceding the date of selection and is sponsored by the donation of Dr. Rao Makineni.

Awardee: Ashraf Brik, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

Miklós Bodanszky Award

Sponsored by BCN Peptides

The Miklos Bodanszky Award is presented in commemoration of Miklos Bodanszky’s contributions to peptide research, to a young scientist who has in the opinion of the General Assembly of the Society made the most outstanding contribution to peptide research in the period of maximum ten years after obtaining the PhD degree.

Awardee: Cesar De La Fuente, University of Pennsylvania, USA


Dr. Bert and Elizabeth Schram Symposium and Awards

On behalf of the ESCOM Science Foundation (ESF), 37 EPS is pleased to announce the Dr. Bert and Elizabeth Schram Young Investigators’ Mini Symposium (YIMS), the oral and poster presentation awards and a networking mixer:

The Dr. Bert and Elizabeth Schram Oral Presentation Awards

There will be two oral presentation awards, €750 for the winner and €500 for the runner-up. They will also receive a signed certificate in the joint names of EPS and ESF. Awards will be presented by ESF representatives at the Closing Ceremony.

The Dr. Bert and Elizabeth Schram Poster Presentation Awards

There will be six poster presentation awards. The top two winners will each receive €500 and the next four winners €250 each. They will also receive a signed certificate in the joint names of EPS and ESF. Awards will be presented by ESF representatives at the Closing Ceremony.

The Dr. Bert and Elizabeth Schram Networking Mixer | Tuesday, August 27th (by invitation only)

The Networking Mixer is a buffet dinner bringing together EPS young scientists and international senior scientists from academia and corporate research. This is an exclusive event and the attendees will gain invaluable insights on current research trends, and orientation on career planning and professional opportunities. Attendees will have ample opportunity to network and meet and greet EPS officers and ESF representatives.


Additional Poster Competition Awards

In addition to the poster presentation awards mentioned above, the Poster Competition Committee will attribute four awards of €150 each, sponsored by Wiley, co-publisher of the Journal of Peptide Science. Awards will be presented at the Closing Ceremony.

Sponsored by Wiley


Young Investigators’ Mini Symposium Flash Communication Awards

In the occasion of 37 EPS the European Peptide Society established the Young Investigators’ Mini Symposium Flash Communication Awards, which will be attributed to the three best flash communications (€500, €300, and €200 plus a signed certificate). Awards will be presented at the Closing Ceremony.